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Leading Lights: Celebrating our Female Trailblazers on International Women’s Day 2024

by | Mar 7, 2024

Leading Lights: Celebrating our Female Trailblazers on International Women's Day 2024

As a Women Owned and led boutique IP firm, where pay parity is a given, Pearce IP celebrates International Women’s Day and the diversity, equity and inclusion of which we are proud.  With more than 70% female leaders, menstrual and menopause leave, fertility leave, miscarriage and loss leave, more than 20% part-timers, and a “work from anywhere” business model, there is much to celebrate with diversity at Pearce IP.

We take a moment now to shine the spotlight on some of our incredible female leaders. These trailblazing women are not just leading the way in their fields, they are redefining what it means to be a leader in today’s world.

Happy International Women’s Day!

Naomi Pearce – CEO, Founder

What does International Women’s Day mean to you?

It is a moment to celebrate the resilient, capable, glorious women in my life, and to inspire the little women in my life to dream big, ridiculous dreams!

As a successful woman in your chosen field, what or who drove you to be successful?

Drive is part nature, part nurture.  A drive for excellence is hard-wired into me – let’s say genetic – which can be both a blessing and a curse.  I was also gifted – from my mother and grandmother – a strong conviction that I could achieve any goal if I set my mind on it.  (This is an incredible gift from brilliant women who were both raised in an era where a brilliant mind on a woman was a waste.)  As a child it was beyond the realms of my imagination that being a woman would, or could, limit my success.

What’s the best piece of advice you can give to young women who are looking to you for leadership?

Fear of failure is the greatest impediment to success for women.  I would say “Set your goal.  Get yourself ready (your head first, but also your tools, skills, CV, network).  Induce your moment with sacrifice.  Abandon FOMO.  And when your moment comes, JUMP.  You may be scared, but JUMP anyway.”

How do you ensure that you are a role model for women in the workplace?

Pearce IP is a place where it is normal to see women in leadership and where pay parity is a given.  Our team has access to leave policies that are intentionally generous to women (menstrual and menopause leave; miscarriage and loss leave), and we operate in a “work from anywhere” model which cuts the commute time for our team members, giving them more time with those that matter most to them.

Why is diversity, equity and inclusion important to you?

It is still shocking to me that we need to keep having a conversation around women in law.  It remains abrasive that law firms limp toward parity in the number of women in leadership.  It is outrageous that pay disparity is real in our industry.  But it is real, and so I will keep shouting for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion until the conversation is no longer needed!

Adele Chadwick Deputy CEO & Head of Talent

What does International Women’s Day mean to you?

International Women’s Day is a day to reflect and celebrate the advances made by women across the globe whether social, political, cultural or economic.  I also take time on this day to celebrate women in my life who inspire me.  My beautiful mum and sister, our inspiring leader at Pearce IP, Naomi Pearce, and my colleagues who are constantly achieving new heights in their profession.

As a successful woman in executive management, what or who drove you to be successful?

Two people influenced me to be successful in my chosen profession.  Firstly, my Dad, who instilled in me a work ethic and intestinal fortitude to be the best I could be.  I can still hear him saying “you only get one shot at life, make it count”.  Secondly, my high school careers teacher – a woman – who told me I wouldn’t amount to much “so go and find yourself a rich husband”.  Those words, although cruel and inappropriate, still drive me to this day.

What’s the best piece of advice you can give to young women who are looking to you for leadership?

Take every opportunity you are offered that will help you achieve your goals, learn something from it and then teach others. Continue to be true to yourself, that’s why they chose you!

How do you ensure that you are a role model for women in the workplace?

I listen, share experiences, offer guidance, and allow them to take flight.  I have a strong values base that keeps me centred, professional and approachable to all staff and love the opportunity to mentor those wishing to thrive.

Why is diversity, equity and inclusion important to you?

This year, International Women’s Day has the theme of “Inspire Inclusion”.  We need to ensure we create a sense of belonging and embrace those things that make us different from each other.  Those differences ensure we are well rounded, make us better at what we do and open our eyes to new ways of doing things.

Helen Macpherson - Executive Lawyer, Pearce IP

Helen Macpherson Executive, Lawyer (Head of Legal)

What does International Women’s Day mean to you?

It is a time to come together and take stock of what we have achieved for women – their well-being, their human rights and position in society – and to look forward to what we still need to and want to achieve for women.

As a successful woman in the legal industry, what or who drove you to be successful?

I would say that any success I have had has been a consequence of my innate curiosity about the world, my drive to do the best that I can and my desire to work with others to help them succeed. I thank my family, particularly my parents, for encouraging and instilling these values in me.

What’s the best piece of advice you can give to young women who are looking to you for leadership?

You want to have a fulfilling life.  So, work out what matters to you and what drives and energises you and be led by that.

How do you ensure that you are a role model for women in the workplace?

I simply seek to be true to my values, to act in accordance with my values and to be empathetic.  I also try to be candid and honest with people about my career journey.

Why is diversity, equity and inclusion important to you?

Diversity, equity and inclusion are important to me because they are for the benefit of us all.  We are individually and collectively better off in a society that is diverse, equitable and inclusive.

Kim Evans – Executive, Lawyer & Trade Mark Attorney (Head of Trade Marks)

What does International Women’s Day mean to you?

IWD is important to me because it celebrates what we can do and be and can achieve as women.  It also reminds the rest of the world of these things.

As a successful woman in your chosen field, what or who drove you to be successful?

While I was growing up, I saw my mother’s inability to choose her own path in life, limited by the social values of the time, by unfair expectations from others and by other factors that weren’t necessarily in her control.  It motivated me to be strong and determined and to be the driving force in my own life, including my career.

What’s the best piece of advice you can give to young women who are looking to you for leadership?

Believe in yourself and back yourself!!  We are stronger than we know, and we shouldn’t be afraid to try something that is outside our comfort zone”.

How do you ensure that you are a role model for women in the workplace?

I know my values and what is important to me – integrity, technical excellence, fairness, respect and trust.  I value these qualities in others and strive to always embody them myself.

Why is diversity, equity and inclusion important to you?

All human beings are valuable and have value, even if they look, sound or think differently to us.  In the same way that our bodies aren’t comprised solely of legs or ears or livers, as teams we need to consist of more than one type of person to function well and holistically.  An emphasis on diversity, equity and inclusion in the workplace allows us to fulfill our potential and to welcome those who may not have previously had a voice.

Kimberley Evans, Executive, Trade Mark Attorney, Pearce IP

Julie Ballance Special Counsel (NZ), Patent Attorney, Lawyer & Notary

What does International Women’s Day mean to you?

International Women’s Day is a time to reflect on the opportunities open to women today, but also to note how much there is still to achieve.

My mother desperately wanted to have a career, but she did not have the opportunity.  I compare my mother’s situation as a young woman with that of my daughter – they are worlds apart, thankfully!

As a successful woman in the Patents field, what or who drove you to be successful?

I was largely driven by my own desire to do a good job for clients, and to learn as much as I could about the profession of the patent attorney.

When I joined the profession back in 1985, there was only one female partner in the firm I joined.  At the time, I thought she was a real pioneer in what was then a very male-dominated world.

What’s the best piece of advice you can give to young women who are looking to you for leadership?

“Stay strong.”  Things don’t always go to plan, and life can present many hurdles.

How do you ensure that you are a role model for women in the workplace?

By working hard and taking on whatever task is in front of me with enthusiasm.  Also, by trying to ensure everyone I deal with is treated with dignity and respect, no matter what part they play.

Why is diversity, equity and inclusion important to you?

We are all human and we all deserve to achieve the best we can.  Those of us in positions of responsibility need to provide opportunities to others wherever we can. Being mindful of diversity, equity and inclusion can help us make the world a better place for everyone.

Jacinta Flattery-O’Brien PhD Special Counsel, Patent Attorney

What does International Women’s Day mean to you?

A day to celebrate how far women have travelled on the road to equality and to think about areas where further improvements can be made.

As a successful woman in your chosen field, what or who drove you to be successful?

“Success” has many definitions.  In the business context, I believe success is largely a product of interest, motivation and tenacity. I was interested in science, was motivated to become a patent attorney to be involved in cutting edge advances in a broad range of bio/pharma technologies and had the tenacity to work long hours when needed to exceed clients’ expectations.

What’s the best piece of advice you can give to young women who are looking to you for leadership?

Make sure you are doing something that interests you.  That will ensure work is a joy and a motivation in your life – not a chore.  Your colleagues will sense your enthusiasm and that alone provides a strong foundation for leadership.

How do you ensure that you are a role model for women in the workplace?

“First, assume value.”  This means that when a colleague tells you something, whether it be about a work product, a client or another colleague, assume in the first instance that there is value in what they are saying.  Then ask questions before making your own assessment.  When practiced by all team members this creates a collaborative work environment where women (whose ideas in other workplaces may have been unheard or dismissed) can thrive.

Why is diversity, equity and inclusion important to you?

Workplaces that feature diversity, equity and inclusion have been proven to be more successful than those that do not.  This benefits employers, employees and clients.  There are no downsides!

About Pearce IP

Pearce IP is a boutique firm offering intellectual property specialist lawyers, patent attorneys and trade mark attorneys to the life sciences industries (in particular, pharmaceutical, biopharmaceutical, biotech, ag-tech and food tech).  Pearce IP is the 2021 ‘Intellectual Property Team of the Year’ (Lawyers Weekly Australian Law Awards) and was shortlisted for the same award in 2022.  Pearce IP is ranked in IAM Patent 1000 and Managing IP (MIP) IP Stars, in Australasian Lawyer 5 Star Awards as a ‘5 Star’ firm, and the Legal 500 APAC Guide for Intellectual Property.

Our leaders have been recognised in virtually every notable IP listing for their legal, patent and trade mark excellence including: IAM Patent 1000, IAM Strategy 300, MIP IP Stars, Doyles Guide, WIPR Leaders, 5 Star IP Lawyers, Best Lawyers, and Australasian Lawyer 5 Star Awards, and have been honoured with many awards including Australian Law Awards – IP Partner of the Year, Women in Law Awards – Partner of the Year, Women in Business Law Awards – Patent Lawyer of the Year (Asia Pacific), Most Influential Lawyers (Changemaker), among other awards.

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